Sunday, September 23, 2018

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 5:14-19
Mass: Ws 2:12, 17-20; Resp Ps 54; Jm 3:16-4:3; Mk 9:30-37

The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.

The disciples' response to Jesus' words above? 'They did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to ask him.' Pope Francis has this to say: 'Jesus frightened the disciples; they could not grasp the thought of seeing Jesus on the cross' (Angelus Address, 09/20/2018). In short order, and maybe to calm their fears, the disciples began to argue and discuss among themselves who was the greatest. It seems a reasonable reaction to trepidation although, as Pope Francis continues, 'We too are tempted to flee from our own crosses and those of others.' How do you respond to crosses that come in the form of fear, anxiety, and facing the unknown? 'What about me?', we may ask. What if someone we know is fearful, anxious, nervous, or suffering in a way unfamiliar to us? How is Jesus asking us to rise above ourselves? One prayer that might be used at moments of facing uncertainties comes from our proclamation at Morning Prayer: 'Keep me at your door ever attending to your wishes, and let me go about in your kingdom accepting your call. Let me hold my head high in the courage and pride of being your servant, O my God' (R. Tagore).

Lowliness, smallness, emptiness, and hunger allow God to raise up, to make great, to fill... Being of no account in our own eyes allows God to take us and put us at the center of his own life.
(E. Leiva-Merikakis)

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