Sunday, August 12, 2018

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In other years: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572 - 1641)

Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 58:17-29
Mass: 1 K 19:4-8; Resp Ps 34; Ep 4:30-5:2; Jn 6:41-51

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
(Resp Ps 34)

My reflections go to the gift and privilege of receiving the Eucharist. Once upon a time, I worked in a remote, dry, and dusty village in northern South Africa. Daily celebration of the Mass was unheard of; Sunday celebrations were hit and miss. About once a month, a priest would come to celebrate Mass for the faithful. On other Sundays, after patiently waiting to see if a priest would show up, the faithful would pack the church in their Sunday best and give glory and praise to God with readings, singing, and dancing. Someone, usually a woman to be reckoned with, would preach to an attentive assembly that included children who sat quietly and respectfully throughout, not moving an inch. It was a sight to behold. The celebration also included a Communion Service led by a permanent deacon. Those gathered received the Body of Christ with reverence and respect. In other words, they did not take the gift of the Eucharist for granted.

Daily, weekly, or even regular reception of the Eucharist is pure gift. Questions come to mind: Do I take celebration of the Mass and reception of the Body and Blood of our Lord for granted? Is it so accessible that I expect it? If Mass is not at a time that fits my schedule, do I murmur? Do I remember that much of the world rarely, if ever, receive the Blood of Christ? If you join me in being among the privileged, let us be thankful for the gift. May we keep in mind all our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are less fortunate. 

Thanks to the gift of the Eucharist, our lives too become 'bread broken' for our brothers and sisters.
(Pope Francis, Twitter, August 12, 2018)

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