Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday of the Third Week of Lent

Year of Saint Joseph

Readings of the Day

RB: Ch 34 Distribution of Goods According to Need

Mass: Hosea 14:2-10; Resp Ps 81; Mk 12:28-34

I am the Lord your God: hear my voice.


Considering today's Gospel and Jesus' reminder of the first and greatest commandment, namely: The Lord your God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength; and the second: You shall love your neighbor as yourself,  how about we revisit what was included on Ash Wednesday's reflection. And I just looked at that post and saw that another photo of a Cherry Blossom Tree was included. That one from Eureka, CA. Perhaps the connection was meant to be. 😊 Thank you again to Archbishop Arthur Roche for sending the following. 

Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ indwelling in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of life.
Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light.
Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; feast on trust.
Fast from compliance; feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.
Fast from hostility; feast on nonviolence.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth.
Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.
Fast from facts that depress; feast on truths that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.
Gentle God, during this season of fasting and feast,
gift us with your presence, so we can be a gift to others in carrying out your work.


Today's photo: Another shot from a walk in the neighborhood in Carmichael, CA. Thanks dear sis, VFO.

© Gertrude Feick 2021

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