Other saints: Saint Cuthbert Mayne, Martyr (1544-1577); Bd Frederick of Regensburg (1329); Bd Alexander Crow, Martyr (1586/7)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 49 The Observance of Lent
Mass: Rm 10:9-18; Resp Ps 19; Mt 4:18-22
Other saints: Saint Cuthbert Mayne, Martyr (1544-1577); Bd Frederick of Regensburg (1329); Bd Alexander Crow, Martyr (1586/7)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 49 The Observance of Lent
Mass: Rm 10:9-18; Resp Ps 19; Mt 4:18-22
In other years: Bd Bernard Francis de Hoyos (1711-1735); Saint Saturninus of Toulouse, Bishop and Martyr (?Third Century); Saint Saturninus (c.308); Saint Radbod, Bishop (c.850-917); BB George Errington, William Gibson, and William Knight, Martyrs (1596); BB Dionysius and Redemptus, Martyrs (1638); Saint Francis of Lucera (1681-1742)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 48:22-25
Mass: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Resp Ps 80; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37
Blessed Virgin Mary
Other saints: Saint Stephen the Younger, Martyr (764); Saint James of the March (1394-1476); Bd James Thompson, Martyr (15820
Readings of the Day
RB: RB 48:10-21 The Daily Manual Labor
Mass: Rev 22:1-7; Resp Ps 95 (refrain 1 Cor 16:22B; see Rv 22:20c); Lk 21:34-36
Other saints: Saint Fergal (c.700-784); Saint James Intercisus, Martyr (c.421); Saint Secundinus, Bishop (447); Saint Maximus of Riez, Bishop (c.460); Saint Congar, Abbot (Sixth Century); Saint Virgil of Salzburg, Bishop (784); Bd Bernardino of Fossa (1420-1503)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 48:1-9 The Daily Manual Labor
Mass: Rev 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Resp Ps 100; Lk 21:20-28
Thanksgiving Day
Other saints: Saint Leonard of Porto Maurizio (1676-1751); Saint John Berchmans (1599-1621); Pope Saint Siricus (399); Saint Conrad of Constance, Bishop (975); Saint Nikon "Metanoiete" (998); Bd Pontius of Faucigny, Abbot (1178); Saint Sylvester Gozzolini, Abbot (c. 1177-1267); Saint Elear (c. 1285-1323) and Bd Delphina (c. 1285-1360); BB Hugh Taylor and Marmaduke Bowes, Martyrs (1585); Bd Humilis of Bisignano (c. 1582-1637); Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 47 Announcing the Hours for the Work of God
Mass: For Mass of Thanksgiving Day: Sir 50:22-24; Resp Ps 145;1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19
For the feria: Rev 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Resp Ps 100; Lk 21:20-28
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr (d. 305)
Other saints: Saint Colman of Cloyne (522-600); Saint Moses of Rome, Martyr (251); Saint Mercurius, Martyr (date unknown); Saint Peter of Alexandria, Bishop and Martyr (311); Bd Elizabeth the Good (1386-1420)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 46 Faults Committed in Other Matters
Mass: Rev 15:1-4; Resp Ps 98; Lk 21:12-19
Saints Andrew Dung-Lac and his Companions, Martyrs (17th-19th centuries)
Other saints: Saint Chrysogonous, Martyr (? c. 304); Saint Colman of Cloyne, Bishop (c. 530-606); Saint Enfleda, Abbess (c. 704); Saint Albert of Louvain, Bishop and Martyr (c. 1166-1192); Bd Mary Anna Sala (1829-1891)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 45 Mistakes in the Oratory
Mass: Rev 14:14-19; Resp Ps 96; Lk 21:5-11
Pope Saint Clement I (c. 100); Saint Columbanus, Abbot and Missionary (c.543-615); Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro, Martyr (1891-1927)
Other saints: Saint Amphilochius, Bishop (339-400); Saint Gregory of Girgenti, Bishop (c. 603); Saint Trond (c. 630-692)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 44 Satisfaction by the Excommunicated
Mass: Rev 14:1-3,4b-5; Resp Ps 24; Lk 21:1-4
Other saints: Saint Cecilia, Martyr (?Third Century); The Eighty-Five Blessed Martyrs of England, Scotland, and Wales; Bd Salvator Lilli and Companions, Martyrs (1895)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 43:13-19
Mass: Ezk 34:11-12, 15-17; Resp Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
World Fisheries Day
Other saints: Pope Saint Gelasius I (496); Bd Mary Siedlinska, Foundress (1842-1902);
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 43:1-12 Tardiness at the Work of God or at Table
Mass: For the feria: Rev 11:4-12; Resp Ps 144; Lk 20-27-40; For the memorial: Prov 8:22-31; Resp Ps 44; Lk 2:15-19
Taking that sweet Ave
Which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us,
Changing Eva's name.
Break the captives' fetters,
Light on blindness pour,
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.
Show thyself a Mother;
May the Word Divine,
Born for us thy Infant,
Hear our prayers through thine.
Virgin all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Freed from guilt, preserve us,
Pure and undefiled.
Keep our life all spotless,
Make our way secure,
Till we find in Jesus,
Joy forevermore.
Through the highest heaven
To the Almighty Three,
Father, Son and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.
Other saints: Saint Edmund, King and Martyr (d.869); Saint Dasius, Martyr (?303); SS Sapor and Isaac, Bishops and Martyrs (339); Saint Bernward, Bishop (c.960-1022); Bd Mary Fortunata Viti (1827-1922)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 42 Silence after Compline
Mass: Rev 10:8-11; Resp Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48
Saint Mechtilde of Hackeborn (1241-1298)
Other saints: Saint Roque Gonzalez and his companions (-1628); Saint Raphael Kalinowski (1835-1907); Saint Barlaam, Martyr (?Fourth Century); Saint Nerses, Bishop, and other Martyrs (Fourth Century); Saint Nerses I, Martyr (c. 330-373); Bd James of Mantua, Bishop (1338)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 41 The Times for Meals
Mass: Rev 5:1-10; Resp Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44
Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852); The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Other saints: Saint Romanus of Antioch, Martyr (304); Saint Mawes (?Fifth Century); Saint Odo of Cluny, Abbot (c. 880-892); Bd Caroline Kozka, Martyr (1898-1914)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 40 The Proper Amount of Drink
Mass: Rev 4:1-11; Resp Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231)
Other saints: Saint Hilda of Whitby, Abbess (614-680); Saint Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop (1140-1200); Saint Dionysius of Alexandria, Bishop (190-265); Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop (213-270); SS Alphaeus and Zacchaeus, Martyrs (303); Saint Acisclus, Martyr (? Fourth Century); Saint Anianus of Orleans, Bishop (453); Saint Gregory of Tours, Bishop (539-594); Bd Salome, Abbess (1211-1268)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 39 The Proper Amount of Food
Mass: Rev 3:1-6, 14-22; Resp Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10
Saint Gertrude the Great of Helfta (1256-1301/2)
Other saints: Saint Margaret of Scotland (1046-1093); Saint Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop (c. 1175-1240); Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Commemoration of All Carmelite Souls; Saint Eucherius of Lyons, Bishop (c. 449); Saint Afan, Bishop (Sixth Century); Saint Agnes of Assisi (1253); Saint Edward Osbaldeston, Martyr (1594)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 38 The Reader for the Week
Mass: Rev 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Resp Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43
Fourth World Day of the Poor
In other years: Saint Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor (1206-1280)
Other saints: SS Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus, Martyrs (Fourth Century); Saint Didier of Cahors, Bishop (655); Saint Malo, Bishop (Sixth-Seventh Century); Saint Fintan of Rheinau (c. 879); Saint Leopold of Austria (1075-1136); Bd Lucy of Narni (1476-1544); Saint Roque Gonzalez and Companions, Martyrs (1628); Saint Joseph Pignatelli (1737-1811); Saint Raphael Kalinowski (1835-1907)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 37 The Elderly and Children
Mass: Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Resp Ps 128; 1 Th 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30
Blessed Virgin Mary
Other saints: Saint Laurence O'Toole, Bishop (1128-1180); Saint Dyfrig, Bishop (c. 550); The Beatified Martyrs of the Clifton Diocese; The Reading Martyrs; Saint Joseph Pignatelli (1737-1811); All Carmelite Saints; Bd Serapion, Martyr (1240); Saint Nicholas Tavelik and Companions, Martyrs (1391); Bd John Liccio (1511)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 36 Care of the Sick
Mass: 3 Jn 5-8; Resp Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8
Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini, the first United States citizen to be canonized, Mother Cabrini was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius XII on July 7, 1946 and proclaimed Celestial Patroness of All of Immigrants in 1950 (1850-1917)
All Saints of the Benedictine Family
Other saints: Saint Machar (8th century); Bl Maria Teresa Scrilli (1825-1889); Saint Arcadius and Companions, Martyrs (437); Saint Brice, Bishop (444); Saint Eugenius of Toledo, Bishop (657); Saint Maxellendis, Martyr (c. 670); Pope Saint Nicholas I (c. 820-867); Saint Abbo of Fleury, Abbot (1004); Saint Homobonus (1197); Saint Augustina Pietrantoni, Marytr (1864-1894)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 35:12-18
Mass: For the feria: 2 Jn 4-9; Resp Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37; For All the Saints of the Benedictine Family: Is 61:9-11; Resp Ps 88; Jn 15:1-8
Saint Josaphat (c. 1580-1623)
Other saints: Saint Nilus the Elder (c. 430); Saint Emilian Cucullatus (574); Saint Machar, Bishop (Sixth Century); Saint Cunibert, Abbot (c. 665); Saint Lebuin (c. 773); Saint Benedict and Companions, Martyrs (1003); Bd Rainerius of Arezzo (1304); Bd John della Pace (c. 1332); Bd Gabriel of Ancona (1456); Saint Didacus (c. 1400-63)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 35:1-11 Kitchen Servers of the Week
Mass: Philemon 7-20; Resp Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25
Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop (c316-397)
Other saints: Saint Mennas, Martyr (c. 300); Saint Theodore the Studite, Abbot (759-826); Saint Bartholomew of Grottaferrata, Abbot (c. 980-c. 1050); Bd Eugene Bossilkov, Bishop and Martyr (1900-52)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch RB 34 Distribution of Goods According to Need
Mass: Titus 3:1-7; Resp Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19
Mary Oliver (1935-2019)
My work is loving the world.
Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird—
equal seekers of sweetness.
Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.
Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.
Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
Am I no longer young, and still half-perfect? Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be
The phoebe, the delphinium.
The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.
Which is mostly rejoicing, since all the ingredients are here,
which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart
and these body-clothes,
a mouth with which to give shouts of joy
to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,
telling them all, over and over, how it is
that we live forever.
Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor (-461)
Other saints: Saint Aedh, Bishop (589); Saint Justis, Bishop (627); Saint Andrew Avellino (1521-1608)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 33 Monks and Private Ownership
Mass: Titus 2:1-8, 11-14; Resp Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10
Other saints: Saint Benen, Bishop (467); Bd Joan of Signa (c. 1245-1307); Bd Louis Morbioli (1433-1485); Bd Gratia of Cattaro (1508); Bd George Napper, Martyr (1550-1610)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 32 The Tools and Goods of the Monastery
Mass: Ezk 47:1-2, 8-9, 12: Resp Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
Other saints: All Saints of Wales; Bd George Napier (-1610); Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906); Bd John Dons Scotus (c. 1265-1308); The Four Crowned Martyrs (306); Saint Cybi, Abbot (6th century); Saint Deusdedit, Pope (618); Saint Tysilio, Abbot (?7th century); Saint Willehad, Bishop (789); Saint Godfrey of Amiens, Bishop (1115)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 31:13-19
Mass: Ws 6:12-16; Resp Ps 63; 1 Th 4:13-18; Mt 25:1-13
Blessed Virgin Mary
Other saints: Saint Willibrord, Bishop (658-739); Saint Herculanus, Bishop and Martyr (547); Saint Florentius, Bishop (7th Century); Saint Engelbert, Bishop and Martyr (c. 1186-1225); Bd Helen of Arcella (c. 1208-42); Bd Antony Baldinucci (1665-1717); Bd Vincent Grossi, Founder (1845-1917)
Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 31:1-12 Qualifications of the Monastery Cellarer
Mass: Ph 4:10-19; Resp Ps 112; Lk 16:9-15