Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Readings of the day: RB 4:22-43
Mass: 1 Samuel 24:3-21; Resp. Psalm 57; Mark 3:13-19

Jesus went up to the mountain and
summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him.

God’s work is unceasing. Therefore, as L. de Grandmaison, S.J. (d. 1927) explains: ‘Those who are associated in God’s work, whose purpose in life is to promote his kingdom within themselves and in others, never cease working either…That is why a servant of God works continually, even when he is resting, traveling, relaxing, or playing—even when he is sick or when he is asleep. All these activities are informed by apostolic spirit. They are therefore holy, consecrated to God, a means of collaborating with God here on earth.’

Jesus summons each one of us too. He wants each and every one of us; he calls us by name. What is Jesus asking you to do to promote his kingdom in yourself and in others, today? St Benedict provides a few ideas: You are not to act in anger or nurse a grudge; rid your heart of all deceit; never turn away when someone needs your love; love your enemies; do not grumble or speak ill of others; if you notice something good in yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself.

That they might be with Jesus and HE might send them forth.

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