Saturday, July 7, 2018

Blessed Virgin Mary: First Saturday of the Month

Readings of the day: RB 30 The Correction of Young Children
Mass: Am 9:11-15; Resp Ps 85; Mt 9:14-17

Hail, Holy Mother, who gave birth to the King who rules heaven and earth forever.
(Entrance Antiphon, Mass)

In honor of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, what follows is the text from a hymn we often sing on Saturday mornings:

Lady of Rescue, Beacon of hope, O Lantern in the night, out of the storm cloud, out of the gale, we seek the light.

Wide is the ocean, strong is the wind, and all the storms are gone. Lady of harbor, Light on the rock, we cry for dawn.

Merciful Mother, frail is our craft, the storm is pressing sore. Lighthouse and landfall, Sun on the wave, be thou our shore.

Daughter of morning, Lamp in the night, and Star above the sea, sing to the Father, Spirit and Son, eternally. Amen.


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