Saturday, January 9, 2016

Monastic Experience Weekends for Young Women

February 11-14, 2016 
September 1-4, 2016

This is an opportunity to listen deeply for God's voice as you experience the richness of monastic life: silence, the beauty of nature, private and communal prayer, and meditation. Sisters will be available to guide discernment.

The schedule includes participation in the monastic hours of prayer, Eucharist, and meditation with the sisters in the monastic choir. There will be conferences on prayer and monastic spirituality as well as time for hikes in our old growth redwood forests as weather and time permit. Meals will be taken with the sisters and lodging is in the Guest House. Some time for manual labor may also be included.

Click here to download a schedule of the event

Find out about upcoming weekends - contact Sr. Suzanne,