Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Soleminity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Readings of the Day
RB: Ch 18:7-11
Mass: Gn 14:18-20; Resp Ps 110; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Sequence Laud, O Zion; Lk 9:11b-17

I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.

There are two lines that stand out in today's Gospel: First, Jesus healed those who needed to be cured; second, they all ate and were satisfied. My mind goes to the words we say before we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord at Mass: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed." Jesus spoke to the crowds and the people were healed. Jesus speaks to us; Our Lord will heal you and me from our wounds. We will eat and be satisfied. Let us go to receive the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ with reverence, wonder, joy, and gratitude.

(Sequence Laud, O Zion)

The sacrament of charity, the Holy Eucharist is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of himself, thus revealing to us God's infinite love for every man and woman. This wondrous sacrament makes manifest that “greater” love which led him to “lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). Jesus did indeed love them “to the end” (Jn 13:1). In those words the Evangelist introduces Christ's act of immense humility: before dying for us on the Cross, he tied a towel around himself and washed the feet of his disciples. In the same way, Jesus continues, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, to love us “to the end,” even to offering us his body and his blood. What amazement must the Apostles have felt in witnessing what the Lord did and said during that Supper! What wonder must the eucharistic mystery also awaken in our own hearts!
(Pope Benedict XVI, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis, 1)

The feast of Corpus Christi is a yearly invitation "to renew our amazement and joy at this wonderful gift from the Lord. Let us welcome him with gratitude, not in a passive, habitual way … every time we draw to the altar to receive the Eucharist, we must truly renew our 'amen' to the Body of Christ."
(Pope Francis, Angelus Address, Corpus Christi 2019)

Today's photo: Indian Paintbrush or Prairie-fire (Castilleja)

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